Behind and Before, Slavery and Freedom
In front of me lies Yam Sup, behind me is Misrayim,
My destiny before and my foe behind.
My heart yearns but is afraid to step into the rushing waters
And experience all that He has in store for me.
The enemy behind me wishes to destroy me,
But God surrounds me and hides me in Himself.
He beckons for me to go forward along His path
Which is lighted with His light, power, and grace.
Without faith, or hope, I cannot do it.
Without Him or His love, I cannot do it.
To trust God is not always easy, but to trust oneself is foolhardy.
With God, I know He is in control, but often I am not.
The choice to make: Slavery or Freedom.
God is in control!
Gary L. Wade
Copyright ©2003 Gary L. Wade